Staralogic: in 5 ........4.......3.........2.......1
Shea Baker: omg
Staralogic: Ms. Baker how are you doing today?
Shea Baker: im good!! cant complain too too much! =)
Staralogic: Their's alot of people that know who you are up and down the east coast but for some they dont. So let's give some people the chance to get to know Shea Baker. How do you feel about that?
Shea Baker:i think its a great idea and opens up many opportunites for me, shea baker!
Staralogic:Most def...So how old are you?
Shea Baker: 19... soon to be 20 next month!!!! =D
Staralogic: so you basically in your prime of your life, you got a Birthday coming up. Any Photo shoots before you turn 20 or Runway?
Shea Baker: no, i do have a show right after my birthday tho!!!... theres nothing like doing what u love most on the weekend of ur birthday!!
Staralogic: Before I ask you where is the show and you answer. Let me ask you this how do you feel about about Senator Obama winning the election? Does it add any motivation, determination or inspiration to the direction that your trying to go in far as Modeling?
Shea Baker: im sure that with Obama winning the election it brings back that old speech that i know everyones mom told them "you can be anything u want to be" and gives them that peace of mind that that speech is indeed true... with that, i believe i can be that model that i always dreamed to be since i was a little girl!!
Staralogic: Thats always good to here. It's crazy to not only finally have a America's 1st Black President but to put the hope back into people life, to give our next generation something to look for!
Staralogic: So when is the show? and where ?
Shea Baker:the show is jan. 24
the venue is yet to be determined
it will be in the wilmington de area tho
Staralogic: Any special designers or guest apperances? you know how the rumor's are with fashion. Let us inn if you can!
Shea Baker: if i could i MIGHT!!! lol
im really not sure tho!
Staralogic: I respect that. Im laughing just like you are over there. I see u smiling dont hide! So how did you get started with Modeling and Photo shoots?
Shea Baker: i always loved taking pictures growing up (u should see the photo albums my grandparents have lol) but i was a tomboy so instead of pursuing my desire to take pictures and take on photoshoots i'd rather play football or basketball wit friends and family. because being a tomboy was just a phase, once i overcame that i decided to take what i love to the next level. with the next level came modelng and photoshoots...
Staralogic: So would you say that your photogentic? Its very intresting to hear that you was a tomboy growing up, how you played Basketball & football growing up. So i guess we can say Im interviewing a aggressive model. Whatever you do dont try to play me one-on-one if I come out to one of your shoots afterwards. What grade was you in High school when you first started to notice that you wanted to wear heels instead of jordans?
Shea Baker: yeah i would say i was phonotgenic... model by default i usually say!! lol
and u dont want me to take off my heels and put on some sneaks and play that game of one-on-one.... im no joke
dont let the heels fool u!!
i would say my 9th grade year was the inbetween stage ao by 10th grade i was out of my tomboy stage completly
Staralogic: now we know that Im to athletic for you.......lol All i gotta do is put you in the post and its over! I mean you did play Basketball in middle school & High School but I will still put them moves on you. " I still got it" Trust me.
Shea baker: lol
if u say so!!
Staralogic: So i heard you did a recent photo shoot; what was all that about?
Shea Baker: yeah!!!...it was a laid back shoot for me and the photographer and I just went with the flow. I look forward to doing more projects in the future. But overall it was just a little fun shoot but it came out nice.... i really had a fun time!
Staralogic: yeah i could tell by the pictures that you had a fun time. It looks like to me that you just go with the flow during photo shoots. Do you ever get nervous? how do you come up with the concepts for a shoot?
Shea Baker: yeah i do get nervous... i aways try to give something different in each shoot.....honestly, i hardly ever go into a shoot knowing the poses and gestures imma give. i get ideas from other models sometimes (which is what most models do, they feed off each other)... for example at the last shoot u were referring to in the previous question, i seen a model take pics on the stairs of the place i was at so i came up wit the idea to be upside down on the stairs... giving the pics that edge that fits my personality!
Staralogic: You got alot of potential I can just tell by the way you broke that paragraph down to your audience. so how was your christmas. Models always have the best xmas! Well at least thats what I read in a UK fashion Magazine
Shea Baker:
is that right??!!
im a family oriented girl so being able to be around my family makes every holiday season a great one!!
and thanks... its always those encouraging words that pushes me to my full potential.
Staralogic: Are you the only family member thats into Modeling?
Shea Baker: im the first in my family... i have younger cousins that are interested. a few just want to be in the model indusrtry, not necessarily modeling tho, more behind the scenes work.
Staralogic: So are you currently in school? if so what are you majoring in, how do you make everything coordinate into your scheldule?
Shea Baker: i was attending Coppin State University majoring in Psychology but im taking the year off. ill be back fall of 2009... its really easy maintaing my schedule.... i make sure what must be done
Staralogic: So we got a Model/College girl/B-Ball player/Football player aka Bmore girl. You doin what it do I see. What made you take off this year? Does it have to do with any Modeling or mainly just your personal descision?
Shea Baker: lol... yeha all that wrapped into 1 and u got little o'l me!!!!
seconds later....and i took the year off because of personal desicions... modeling to me isnt hard to fit into my schedule... work and model, model and work... next year it will be school & my studies, work, and model... sleeping fits in when it can!!! lol
Staralogic: Most models dont even attend college they usually just get that one chance with a Model agency. With the direction that youre heading with school & Modeling have you ever thought about reaching out to any model agencies?
Shea Baker: i have but school is my main focus... i figured the model agency would come along at the perfect time... and if it doesnt, i def have something else i love to do to fall back on, that being my psychology major and helping people who cant seem to help themselves!!!!
and i havent put my portfolio out threre enought for many to see for any agencies
Staralogic: Thats very smart to have a back up plan besides modeling. Now days if you dont your kind of setting your self up for failure if you dont!
Shea Baker: thats exactly how i see it!
Staralogic: Last question what can people expect from you in 2009 whether its school,Fashion,Work,personality or even @ the Show in January?
Shea Baker: people should expect to see me A LOT more this year... 2009 is my year and since im not in school im goin to pursue my modeling career while i got the extra time..... look for me on the cover of someones magazine!! lol lol lol
Staralogic: Gotchu....... till then stay In Touch Wit Ya ME & remeber WINGS DO MAKE YOU FLY and thanks for the Invite last night, sorry to hear what happen yesterday night.
Shea Baker: im just happy to still be here and i will def be in touch and keep u posted with upcoming events!!!...